How to use tags and folders to organize links?

Sub-users are not able to edit folders and tags. This option is only available to master accounts.

From Manage URLs page, the left side has a tag & folder navigation pane.
• Tags are link labels.
• A link can have one or multiple tags applied to it.
• Folders are holders for tags or other folders (nesting).
• Tags can be moved or renamed.
• Folders can be moved or renamed.
• Retargeting tags show up as underlined.
• Retargeting tags work exactly the same as other tags, except they contain special codes.
Tag and folder management has much in common with the old familiar file and folder management system. Structures can be as simple or as complex as needed. Organize by campaign, date, name, etc. If links are not assigned to a folder they automatically go into "All URLs" container.

Assigning tags to links puts them into corresponding folders at the same time

  1. Create the folders you will be working with.
  2. Create new tags from tag & folder navigation pane. Then, still in navigation pane, click pencil icon next to the tag to edit it. The box that opens will show your pre-existing folders to pick from. Think of this as choosing and placing a tag into a folder. NOTE: As you click to open/close folders the tags will appear inside.
  3. Assign by selecting (check mark) the URL or multiple URLs to be tagged (select a page at time with check box at the top). After selecting URLs, clicking tag icon in actions bar at the top brings up a list of your pre-existing tags to pick from.

How navigation pane "Filters" work

These are default or special folders.
Send Stats links marked with this option means you will receive an email once a day with the updated click data.
Monitor Links links marked with this option means we monitor the destination URL and if downtime is detected will notify you with an email.
Zero Clicks these are all your short links that have never been visited or zero clicks.
Archived when links are archived they disappear from your Manage page but can be retrieved in the Archived folder.

Youtube tutorial that shows basics of using tags and folders