About Tinycc®

Why URL Shortening Matters to Us

While most people simply click links, we scrutinize them. How they're constructed, encoded and put to use. Variables like slug or hash length, cusom domain DNS and redirect type are all things we obsess about. With over a decade invested into our systems and software. Yes, we are link geeks — but what do you expect from a URL management company that shortens over 20 million links per month?
Whether you're a marketer, scientist, vendor, educator or someone in between, we know that what happens behind the scenes — although completely thrilling to us — should remain unseen. You trust us to orchestrate whatever needs to happen when your audience clicks your shortened URLs. And we've been earning that trust since we first started shortening your links in 2006.




Things were simpler back then. You may recall the predominance of shortened links on the .ly domain (which most people and many government agencies didn't realize was Libya's top-level domain). Over the years, the way we collectively use and share links has drastically changed.
You asked for more features and we listened. With your feedback, our link shortening service has grown to cover everything you could possible imagine in a link-driven Internet: link editing, branded domain URLs, private click stats, custom hash keywords, QR codes, dynamic redirects, custom 404 pages, App links, remarketing pixels, Google Analytics integration and more.
Tiny.CC is our orginal URL shortening service and is still free. Launched in 2006, tiny.cc was the first free service to offer link editing. It quickly became popular and now has 50 Million users per month. So even if you are an occasional user or in need of millions of links, we've got you covered. Use it for free or checkout a premium plan. Join the Tinycc family today!

Since 2015, we expanded our platform and API to allow our enterprise clients more power and versatility in creating and processing their large volume of links. Designed to easily connect with software used in SMS text and other campaigns.

Your ongoing feedback has made us stronger and continues to fuel our desire to help you thrive. We appreciate that and in turn have kept our end of the bargain by focusing on quality, flexibility, rapid innovations and reliability you can trust like an old friend who's always there for you (with a 99.95 % uptime track record). Creating value for you continues to be our main focus. We proudly provide the best URL shortening and branding service at the best price.

Let's Talk Links

Got a burning question about link shortening services? We'd love to talk. Want to know if we can custom-build a special feature? Chances are we're already working on it, but do get in touch.

Want to shorten a link? Start here.

Tinycc by the Numbers

490,569,300 URLs shortened
279,280 Brands served
14,700 Schools Served
2,940 Government Agencies
99.95% Uptime