Tiny CC: Feature-rich URL Management Tool

Making simple - sharable URLs is the core of Tinycc. But,
just below each short link is a gold rich vein of opportunity.
Did you know the same link can...
Promote your brand at every click. Gather deep audience insights (and save to your Google Analytics). Segment customers and send to different landing pages. Add each visitor to your retargeting pools. Monetize short links by including your banner ads in redirects. Configure short links to automatically open inside your app, and more.


Invite people to manage links and team up on campaigns, with account functions that are based on tiered access roles. This means workflow can be neatly divided using permission levels. Collaborate with co-workers and clients while easily keeping all of their domains, tags and links separate.

White label

Add your logo & colors to personalize the dashboard. Present a positive, credible picture of your company to employees, clients and other guest users. Your customers will receive email notifications, with no Tinycc branding anywhere. Even customize the service name and email footer message.


Remarketing used to be restricted to places you own, like a web page or blog. Embeding tracking pixels in short links offers a completely new opportunity. Anyone that clicks your links are added to your retargeting list. Retargeting Ads have a 10X higher click through and are 70% more likely to convert. Increase your ads campaign CTR and decrease your CPC.

App links

If your company has an app, then you know about connecting your website with your app. Now connect your Tinycc Pro account to your app in seconds. (Universal links, Deep links, Digital Asset Links made simple). No longer limited to a website, our short links offer a new opportunity to further promote your app and your brand... all behind the scenes, with one setting. Works for both iOS and Android apps.

Video Tutorials


  • Short Link Subdirectory Forwarding
  • Short Link URL Concatenation
  • Short Link Query String Parameters
  • Integration with Google Analytics
  • Tags and Folders: Tag Queries
  • Tags and Folders: Complex Tag Queries
  • Data Export
  • Data Import
  • Smart Links: Country
  • Interstitial landing pages
  • Smart Link: Clicks Count
  • Update Account Profile

See impact of your brand's social media mentions

Use the social media monitoring dashboard to understand how your brand is talked about online and to fine tune your strategy. Segment by social platform, time-frame or specific links.

Alerts for brand monitoring events make it easy to prioritize your efforts and protect your company image.

Stay organized and save time

More than a Custom URL Shortener! Whether you infrequently add new links
or manage a team to run multiple campaigns. The dashboard is tidy, quick
and easy to navigate. Folders & tags keep even the big, complex campaigns
perfectly organized. Have Excel-ready, custom reports straight from your
dashboard in seconds. Innovative import & export tools lets you migrate
links into or out of our platform anytime and without restrictions.

More than 100 features


  • Dynamic landing pages
  • Responsive targeting by: country, language, device type, browser, number of clicks, number of Unique visits
  • Schedule targets by: date, time of day, URL slug
  • Structure: custom, sequential, random (settable length)
  • Private hash space with no outside limitations
  • Error resistant short links (transcribe friendly)
  • Override referrer option
  • Custom HTTP redirect status codes
  • Search engine friendly and URL edit friendly
  • Maximum redirect reliability
  • Short link SSL (http/https)
  • IP exclusion filter
  • Pass parameters to destination
  • Subdirectory forwarding
  • Remarketing (retargeting)
  • Redirect preview pages
  • Facebook referral tags
  • Short links with personal interstitial pages: landing content or banner ads.


  • build your own tools and workflows
  • Connect our system to yours
  • Full featured endpoints
  • Detailed documentation
  • Client libraries
  • Sandbox console with pre-programmed examples
  • API call chart
  • API key manager
  • Engineering support


  • 100% private click stats requires user login to view
  • Link creation date
  • Total clicks
  • Unique clicks
  • New clicks indicator
  • Country
  • Region
  • City
  • Browser
  • Platform
  • Referring websites
  • Comprehensive stats with flexible filters: (domains, users, tags)
  • Merge with Google Analytics
  • Daily clicks report
  • Your brand mentioned on social media


  • Manage multiple users
  • Granular action based authorization policies
  • White label: use your logo and your own color scheme. White labeling applied to sub-accounts (satellites)
  • User organization codes
  • 4 default filters
  • Global search
  • Social login options
  • PayPal or Stripe checkout
  • Upgrade downgrade anytime
  • VAT invoices
  • Service level agreements


  • Tag your links
  • Organize using folders
  • sticky notes & reminders
  • Short branded URLs
  • Custom URL keywords
  • Bulk shorten
  • Edit links at anytime
  • Auto delete: dates or clicks
  • Robust link import tool
  • Export URLs: 9 data point options, 3 format options
  • URL archiving
  • Zero clicks filter
  • Excel report generator: by date ranges or campaign tags


  • Custom domain URL shortener
  • Manage multiple domains
  • Free subdomains included
  • Full support for custom domains that use IDN (special characters)
  • Use your own domain
  • DNS troubleshooting and propagation status tool


  • Custom URL Shortener with QR codes (150px resolution, 500px resolution)
  • Error correction levels: L (7%), Q (25%), H (30%)
  • Landing page can be edited anytime.
  • Browser bookmarklet
  • 1 click link publish (to 100+ social media)


  • 404 broken links
  • Link health
  • URL limits bar
  • API limits bar
  • Social media mentions: trend chart, 16 source point filter, 3 time frames, what is being said, top results, keyword search
  • Audit logs


  • Timezone
  • Reset click stats
  • Global URLs delete
  • Hash character set: (base32, base36, base62)
  • Hash type options
  • Hash length options
  • Override referrer: does not pass referrer, uses intermediate page with custom html header, X-Robots-Tag passing
  • HTTP status codes: (301, 302, 303, 307)
  • Google Analytics ID
  • Domain access roles
  • Custom root domain URL
  • Custom 404 URL
  • Email addresses for alerts


  • Stats sent to your email daily
  • Alerts when landing URLs become unreachable
  • RSS for audit log events
  • Alerts for brand monitoring events
  • Domain hacks include top-level extensions to reduce the number of characters (redd.it, itun.es, pep.si)
  • Remove vowels to shorten your company name and increase chances of finding an available domain (amzn.to, yhoo.it, mnstr.me, phtshp.us)
  • Use initials in place of words for a short recognizable name (facebook--fb.me, McDonalds--mcd.to, J.C. Penney--jcp.is)
  • Common abbreviations or even numbers used in place of words (State Farm--st8.fm, Weather Channel--wxch.nl, Fiverr--5rr.it)
  • Proxy names are product names, words from your industry, slogans or slang (Netflix--movi.es, BandPage--listn.to, WTVD-TV--abc11.tv)
  • IDNs contain special characters. Increase your chances of registering either a domain that is very short or one that perfectly fits your brand (tì.cc)

Use Custom Domains As Tinycc URLs

Hook up your Google Analytics
in 1 simple step

Chances are you already use Google Analytics on your website to measure what's working and what's not. Now you can merge it with Tinycc and analyze branded short link activity right inside your Google Analytics account. Then use the API for custom displays, automate complex reporting tasks and share data into other business applications.

Is the domain you want for short
links already taken?

Tinycc supports accented or special characters in custom domains. This opens a whole new universe of registration possibilities. Increase your chances of registering either a domain that is very short or one that perfectly fits your brand. e.g. using an accented "i" can get you a variation of a domain otherwise unavailable or prohibitively expensive.

Start getting the most out of your links

Choose a plan now that is right for you!

See all plans